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Create a Workspace

To create Workspaces click the New Workspace button

  • First Workspace creation
    You'll find the New Workspace button at the bottom of the navigation bar

  • Any other workspace
    Open the list box on the top of the navigation toolbar

You’ll be redirected to the Workspace creation page

Specify a unique workspace name, add an optional description, and scope (options described below)

Scoping a Workspace

You can create a workspace both dynamically based on existing configurations such as labels, and namespaces as well as by manually selecting the relevant services.

  • Dynamic scope
    Allows for the creation of workspaces with dynamic scope, the user has to select a namespace or a label key:value pair and the workspace scope will consist of Workloads that are either part of the selected namespace or have the specified label across all of your clusters.

    Example usage:

    • A namespace

    • Label key:value pair

  • Manual scope
    Allows manually selecting the relevant Workloads to include in the workspace scope

Note: You cannot use both methods together, it's one or another

Editing / Deleting Workspaces

To edit or delete an existing Workspace, enter the Workspace and click the Edit button on the top right

Best practices

  • It is recommended to limit your workspace scope to up to 100 workloads, surpassing this number could introduce a loading lag while entering the Overview page